- Project-Based Studio, Center for Social Design, Maryland Institute College of Art
- Baltimore City Health Department
I engaged the whole process of research as a part of the team. My responsibilities include conducting interviews, facilitating workshops, and generating interactive prototypes.
We invited BCHD, cisgender women living with HIV & AIDS, and other stakeholders to research share back. This event was also an opportunity for stakeholders to get together and have discussions on the given topic. The presentation includes quotes and insights that we discovered through the process organized by themes as well as various prototypes such as interactive boards, insight cards, and church pop-ups.
Project Background
The Baltimore metropolitan statistical area (MSA) had the tenth highest estimated adult/adolescent HIV diagnosis rate of any major metropolitan area. In 2014, in Maryland, among individuals newly identified as being HIV-positive and with reported exposure, the greatest proportion of cases is Black men who have sex with men (MSM) (36.9%). While Baltimore City Health Department (BCHD) has successfully implemented many initiatives focused on the Black MSM population, there are many other affected populations to consider.
I joined Maryland Institute College of Art’s Center for Social Design to tackle this challenge in collaboration with BCHD. We facilitated an interdisciplinary Practice-Based Studio intended to foster creative, innovative, and breakthrough design solutions to help BCHD better understand the perspectives of people living with HIV/AIDS in Baltimore.
This work focuses specifically on stigma related to HIV/AIDS and trust related to the healthcare environment in Baltimore City and seeks to engage often overlooked audiences such as youth, women, older adults, etc.
Design Challenge
How might we identify opportunities for
building relationships between BCHD and
cisgender women living with HIV & AIDS in Baltimore?
Design Principles
Research Methods
Participate in events with cisgender women living with HIV & AIDS
Facilitate workshop with cisgender women living with HIV & AIDS
Interview BCHD, cisgender women living with HIV & AIDS, and other stakeholders
Quotes and Insights
Fighting Stigma
What we heard
“We don’t think about HIV and drug addiction like diabetes.”
“Most people only know the early days of HIV and they carry that knowledge until today.”
“The major part of stigma is ignorance.”
“HIV becomes more real when people meet people living with HIV.”
“Treat people as family. Conversation is important within family.”
Why it matters
Because many people are still ignorant of HIV facts, conversations can help normalize HIV.
Building Trust
What we heard
“Stories are data with empathy.”
“When you relate to people, they will tell their stories. BCHD has not done this yet.”
““BCHD is in their own bubble.”
“Can I just see you more often in my community so that I know you are genuine with your care.”
Why it matters
While BCHD is doing a great deal of fieldwork, there’s still a perception that this work is not engaged with the community.
Having Relationships
What we heard
“Let’s get tested before starting an intimate relationship!”
“There is a fear of violence when you disclose your status.”
Why it matters
For women living with HIV, navigating relationships completely changes with diagnosis.
Being Intimate & Getting Older
What we heard
“They don’t believe older people engage in intimate behaviors. No one wants to believe that their grandmas are still having sex.”
“Your grandma may not be knitting on her rocking chair.”
“BCHD shows gray hair and people with canes when talking about older women living with HIV & AIDS.”
“OWEL has a new outlook for the survivors. The ladies at OWEL are bold, happy and vibrant.”
Why it matters
Older women are being overlooked because they’re being stereotyped.
Activism as Empowerment
What we heard
“We are activists.”
“This is a social justice issue.”
“I have lived before, now I have a purpose. There are things I need to do.”
“Get educated and help others get educated.”
Why it matters
Becoming an activist is an important way many women find power in their diagnosis.
Finding Resources
What we heard
“There are many other issues people need to worry about. It is hard to find safe & affordable housing, and there are also mobility/transportation issues for us.”
“Women are marginalized—their biggest barriers are education and sexual health.”
“Everyone should meet a mental health advisor.”
“Stigma is an everyday fight.”
“People need coping mechanisms.”
Why it matters
To support someone’s HIV & AIDS treatment as a patient, you need to support their survival as a whole person.
Treating HIV isn’t just about treating HIV.
What we heard
“People think BCHD treats them like members of a group, not individuals.”
“How can black gay men and black women work together?”
“BCHD’s efforts to reaching out to the community should be about ‘living together’ rather than ‘targeting.’”
“It’s not about sexual orientation, it’s about community.”
Why it matters
Funding may exist in silos, but people don’t.
Creating Visibility
What we heard
“We don’t talk about HIV & AIDS in Baltimore.”
“I saw lots of red ribbons and billboards in San Francisco, San Diego, and New York.”
“We need to put HIV in the spotlight. Put on more ads and videos, bring it out of the closet and show it’s preventable.”
“Starbucks does so much in Africa… HIV is here in Baltimore!”
Why it matters
In other major cities, HIV is on public display, but in Baltimore, HIV is not.
Church Pop-Up
We imagine an event centered around a local community church that activates the surrounding businesses. In this way, a mixed-use space people are used to spending time in is transformed into a place for education and community outreach.
Insight Cards
This library of cards presents our research insights in a fun and engaging format, inviting users to explore the information in a non-linear way at their own pace. Each card is the size of a standard business card, encouraging users to take one with them, and allowing them to be included in folder card slots.
Help Cards
This support card activity aims to help people who need different support from communities and
organizations, such as challenges with mental health or finanical situations. We’d like to convey that
everyone needs support so that it is not shameful to ask for help.
Interactive Board
This board provides opportunities for people to interact in a casual setting and to see each other as a whole person. The positive question highlights the beauty of individuals while the map connects neighbors.
Social Coffee Cups
This concept makes use of interactive coffee cups which prompt the user to answer a question about how they are feeling or something they love. The activity is meant to be an icebreaker in meetings and social contexts, encouraging people to find common ground for conversation. This could integrate with existing campaigns by organizations like Hope Springs.
Ad Campaign
This ad campaign imagines various women who might be living with HIV, but are living rich and vibrant lives thanks to treatment and care.